How to make your partner addicted to you

By wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is established….1For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?....2. The challenge many people are facing in our world and that has made marriage and relationship ill-spoken off is lack of required knowledge and intelligence that make relationship and marriage work, because they started building without knowing what it costs to build let alone knowing if what they has can complete the building (relationship) or not
Love language 2: Quality time
ref; The five love languages by Gary Chapman
In the first post on this series, emphasis was laid on why love fails and the need for a better understanding of the five love languages were made know with clarity. In respect to that; we started the first love language which will serve as a prerequisite knowledge on which love language two will built on, stay focused and be blessed as you enjoy the second love language
Many capitalize on love and yet fail, if love is the only criteria for a successful home, then I think almost everyone should be successful martially because love is everywhere just as infatuation if also everywhere. The goal of this post is not that you read and share alone but rather that we are truly transformed and be equipped to have a sustainable knowledge and understanding that make relationship and marriage work
Love language two: QUALITY TIME:
Quality time is a love language that when you don’t really understand its concept and it importance can ruin your relationship or marriage. I made it known from the beginning of this series that your love language often time will not be the same with that of your partner and on few occasion have we seen lovers having the same love language which implies that you should not only know your personal love language but also that of your partner
And not just knowing it; but also learning how to speak it well, that your partner may flow and communicate with you fluently with such languages. If you don’t understand your partners love language, you will be giving your best according to you but will be ill spoken of
Quality time is very crucial and can never be overemphasize in relationship and marriage, almost everyone demands it but not everyone gives it, I will emphasize on the second love language regards the meaning of quality time to different people. Do you know that quality time given to your partner or that your partner may be expecting from you may not necessarily be that you stay with them all day, you can stay with someone all day and yet not give quality time.
Part of the green light that indicates your partners love language to be quality time are as follow:
1. When such individual always demand for time, they never get tire of it
2. When such individual love to be on phone with you for hours: To you it may sound or look like a waste of time but to him/her it is gold, you have to learn balance
3 When they demand vacations, taking a walk, seeing movies, doing things together and many more: It is not that those things are that important to them, what really matter is the time they spend with you, those activities attached is a means to create avenue for the time
It is also important that we know so well that all the above mentioned activities can take place in a relationship and yet still lacking quality time as it is supposed to be or as demanded, because quality time is not in the duration of time spent together or where the time was spent but rather on how the time was spent; meaning that you can be together all day and yet not spending quality time
Dialects 1: Focused attention:
Doing things together or spending time together is not what matters most here or probably what we call spending quality time but rather focusing not on the activities but on yourselves
I used to give people attention and try as much as possible to give time to them despite my tight schedules, but most of the time, I only make myself available without giving them attention because, it is either I am typing on my phone to answer question and counsels, writing on paper to note certain things, or doing other things while listening
I usually tell them I am with you fully, don’t mind what I am doing, just continue and I am listening: I truly gave attention, but not focused attention and that is a very poor and a bad way of giving attention to people. I’ve changed with time though
It is better the attention wasn’t given at all than giving a divided one, focused attention is when you neglect all you are doing and concentrate on what you both are saying or doing with absolute focus and intentionality, the duration is not what matter but the quality of the time spent together; how it was judiciously spent and maximized.
Only few people give focused attention in their relationship: Have you seen instances where two lovers are playing tennis and at a point, one is focusing on winning the game while the other is focusing on the partner
At a point, when the one focusing on winning played the ball expecting the other to play back, the other person may let go of the ball and could fix his/her gaze on the partner with a silent expression on the face that says “I love you and you are the best thing that has ever happen to me” as if he/she was lost in the wilderness
That person fixing the gaze understood what quality time is and not just the activity, the person love language if genuinely expressed is quality time. For the other partner to communicate better, this understanding is needed
To the one whose love language is quality time, the time mean so much to him/her that he/she could not control the emotional connection any longer. Don’t only spent time together and thinking you are really giving your best but rather spend quality time together. It may be long and not quality and may be short and quality.

Dialect 2: Quality conversation:
When I studies quality conversation in respect to the second love language and relating it with my experience over years in counseling and personal experience, I realized that many people have romantic conversation often but not ever quality
It may be a conversation truly but not quality because communication became a ritual and what should have made it quality will definitely be missing which is sympathy
Quality conversation with sympathy is a kind of conversation whereby we are sharing the feelings intensely together and not just talking. I am feeling what you are feeling, be it love, pain or whatsoever. That is why it is called quality conversation and not just calling or conversation
Have you seen instances whereby a partner is telling the other person something that happened and such an individual was shedding tears as a result of the level of pain what happened caused him or her, but the other partner in his/her mind will be like, you will get over it with time, cry if you will cry now and let us go
The feeling is not mutual, no sympathy as it may be, the conversation is mutual, may be deep but not quality. So for your relationship to move to the level you really wished, learn sympathy, it’s very important and how to communicate effectively.
It is important that you listen to your partner and not just think to provide solution to their problems; there are times that the problem is shared with you not for the purpose of providing solution, but rather for the purpose of sympathy, to feel what they are feeling and that he/she may lean on you while you are saying all will be fine soon, imbibe word of encouragement, after which advice for solution can follow
Ways to imbibe sympathy in quality conversation with your partner while you discus or share their pains/mind with you
1. Maintain eye contact when your partner is talking
2. Don’t listen to your partner and do something else at the same time
3. Listen for feelings: Don’t listen to fulfill all righteousness but rather to get his/her state of mind through his/her speech, that’s what make you a real companion
4. Observe body language: Don’t pretend as if you are not seeing the tears gathering while he/she talks: You are to quickly curdle/hug him/her and encourage with positive words, it is not about the challenge but the approach to solve it, start as such
5. Don’t interrupt: Don’t cut him/her while talking, exercise patience and let him/her land without interruption. Don’t be too quick to jump into conclusion that you know where he/she will land, give room for expression because you may be wrong by assumptions
If all the aforementioned can be understood and well applied to your relationship and marriage; I congratulate you as I welcome you into the world of marital fulfillment with gradual process

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You can also check the following posts and be blessed:

Prov. 24:3…….1

Luke 14:28…….2

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