Beauty like gold; the cure for heartbreak and divorce part 1

Beauty is an advantage and if you are beautiful you have an added advantage, but the challenge I have with beauty/handsomeness as a concept is the fact that it has being generally misunderstood, mis-defined and misused in many context, thereby killing many of their self esteem and misleading many others.

This teaching will bring deliverance to someone today because there is no man or woman on earth that is not beautiful, but the challenge is many don’t know what represents their beauty and for this ignorance, identity crisis sets in. The saying; beauty is in the eyes of the beholder is what stand as a determinant factor to what an individual will call beautiful

Male and female He made them….1. But before creating them to be male and female, God did something first: So God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him; male and female created he them….2

You are created in the image of God and for that reason, you are beautiful and extremely handsome depending on your gender and more so, And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good….3

God created man after creating all things and make man the governor over all that was created, which means you are good and nothing within or without you should create any feeling of inferiority, because you are God planned and conscious creation and you are beautiful/handsome no doubt.

Dictionary defined beauty as the quality of being attractive, pleasing, fine or good-looking. This definition is very nice and wonderful, but because men lack the comprehension of what it says, they navigated beauty alone to facial attractiveness, bodily attractiveness and complexion but that’s not beauty as it were.

Is it only face, body, stature that attract people to an individual; NO… there are many other factors that attracts people to you, if you only focus on one which is facial or bodily beauty and neglect others, you will soon realize how ugly you are despite your good shape, stature, complexion and so on. It is not a matter of will it happen but rather when, because it will!!!

You are beautiful to the degree when you can comfortably sustain you attraction in the heart of men (not male as gender but human in general), this has little to do with your face and body, haven’t you seen people that are so beautiful and after few years of marriage, their beauty became a desert to their to their partner

Haven’t you seen people that are extremely beautiful according to this mis-interpreted definition and something happened to them (minor accident or so) and that was the end of their beauty.  

You are beautiful to the degree at which you can sustain your attraction in the heart of men (not men as gender but human in general). Know this and you will forever be beautiful/handsome and nothing shall be able to take away your attraction out of the heart of men

More so, this kind of beauty pleases the Lord and makes you the blessed of the Lord. Beauty is beyond makeup’s , good hair, nice dressing, nice hair cut, wearing designers and many more because you can have all the aforementioned above in place and yet you are ugly, not because you are not attractive at instance, not because you are not facially beautiful/handsome, but because you are unable to sustain this attraction in the heart of men for as long as you live.

What is beauty?
The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places:  how are the mighty fallen!....4. What is the beauty of Israel as stated here, is it the structure of Israel? Could it be the roads? What if we call it the paintings and the buildings? Can’t it be their farmlands or probably their economy? All these are wrong

The beauty of Israel according to the passage is Saul and Jonathan. And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son:  18 (Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow:  behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)….5

How could Saul and Jonathan be the beauty of Israel? Why not David the new beloved and anointed of the Lord, this is a revelation that beauty is not your face, body, stature or complexion, true and sustainable beauty is your value. Watch this;

As at that time in Israel, David ran for his life, God rejected Saul truly but as far as the people are concerned, Saul  was the value adding structure of Israel, He is the one they all submits their loyalty and obedience to and he is the most valuable one among them all. So this entity and personality with his son (Jonathan) represents the beauty (value) of Israel and when they died;

David took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with him:  And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until even, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the LORD, and for the house of Israel;  because they were fallen by the sword….6

Generally speaking; David should rejoice when Saul died and not to morn because it was his enemy that just died but because he understood that as at that time, Saul was the representation of the beauty (value) of Israel and this beauty was what made Israel valuable. Remember when a king is killed on the battle field, every other followers (soldiers) of such king will retreat immediately because the one holding the victory according to their believe is dead.

As far as this series is concerned, after this general background of beauty, I will take us on a journey of beauty in the context of relationship and marriage and to round it up, I will give us some beauty traits every human must possess unapologetically to be called beautiful.

When Isaac was about to get married, Abraham sent his eldest servant to go unto his own kindred and get a wife for Isaac and to cut the story short, he went and on getting there, he prayed and God answered his prayer which made Rebecca to appear at the well to fetch water and that was how the process of becoming the wife started

But beyond just becoming the wife and the answer to his prayer was a very powerful and undeniable beauty trait exhibited by Rebecca which qualified her to be the wife of Isaac. All this will be elaborated as I start to list the beauty trait every human must have to ever be beautiful/handsome beyond the face.

Also; when Jacob was about to get married after cheating his brother, that he ran to Leban and fell in love with Rachael the second daughter of Laban,, it was recorded that Leah was tender eyed;  but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured. And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter….7

This is a revelation that facial beauty is also very important because it is an added advantage, meaning that all areas of beauty/handsomeness I will explain in this series should be taken with all seriousness for none can be left for the other and one should not be given priority over the other, there must be balance.

So to say, you will be called beautiful/handsome to the degree at which you possess the qualities that make one a true beauty, If you have one out of five, that’s not a pass mark and majority have 1/10 and yet shouting and claiming to be beautiful. My dear, stop deceiving yourself.

Remember; beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and not the looker, when you can look; you'll see only on the surface but when you behold; you will see beyond the surface. Responsible individuals don’t look but rather behold to find out what represent your beauty, just as no one will ever throw gold away because of it beauty and value, but paint an object with a gold colour, men will embrace it for a while after which the colour will fade and it will be trashed. If all you have is your face, body and shape, you will definitely end up in the trash

What are those things that will help you to sustain your beauty in the heart of men and cause men to embrace you like gold and never want to let go?

I will explain what the beauty like gold is in the part 2 of this series… Till then; bye!!!

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Gen. 1:31.......3
2Sam 1:19 .......4
2Sam 1: 17&18.......5
2Sam 1: 11-12.......6
Gen. 29:17-18.......7

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