is an added advantage to every human. Your value may not really be seen from
the point of exhibition most times, but your beauty is always at the glance and
can be seen once you are available. We explored the true and real meaning of
beauty beyond the dictionary definition and limitation in the series
tagged “beauty
like gold” and it was glaring that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and
not just the seer, and that; beauty in its real context is VALUE
I established how the beauty of Israel was
King Saul and his son Jonathan and for this reason and understanding did King
David cried, tore his raiment and refused to eat, including all men that were
with him because the beauty (value) of Israel had been slain….1
In this post, I shall be creating a
balance to the teachings so far, as we shall explore the benefit of your facial
beauty or beauty at the surface which is an added advantage to whatever you
represent and worth, how it should complement your
inner beauty (value)
and what make it an advantage. I made it clear in the previous post (teaching)
that there is no one created by God that is ugly, it is dependent on the
definition of beauty or handsomeness to the beholder.
With the above understanding, no one
should be under any pressure to prove a point that you are beautiful or
handsome, and secondly your inner beauty (value) is like a smoke which cannot
be hidden, be sure it be there, genuine and real, and surprisingly by itself,
it will speak.
I was privileged to have a conversation
with a young lady few weeks ago and within 30 minutes of discussion, I was
really amazed by her level of maturity, excellence and understanding regards
the subject of discussion and I have no choice than to congratulate the lucky
guy that will marry that young lady because she is just too valuable that I
could not ignore her words, but something attracted me to her before the value
can be discovered and this was her beauty out of other things.
There may not be room or platform for such
value to be expressed or to be seen as it were and that is the place of your
facial beauty or attraction. This sometimes is what contributes to the
attraction of destiny helpers, kings, men and women of great values to you
before your inner beauty (value) can retain them
Leah was tender eyed; but
Rachel was beautiful and well favoured. And Jacob loved Rachel; and said,
I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter….2. Before other things were considered by
this young man named Jacob, he saw the beauty of Rachael first and he was
trapped by it to the extent that he was willing to serve Laban for 7 years to
get the beauty he had seen
And Laban took advantage of his youthful
ignorance of not to have explored what the culture of the land is when a child
is to be given out in marriage which is the same mistake many young people are
making today as well. All they want and crave for is love, without taking time
out to know what the concept of their culture and tradition is in such family
or tribe (TOPIC FOR ANOTHER DAY). But despite what Laban did, he was willing to
serve another 7 years for Rachael which made the total of 14 years because of
her beauty.
Let no one take any of the two aspect of
beauty for granted because, if your facial beauty attract people to you and the
inner beauty (value) is missing, you will be like a painted object in that gold
colour which will attract kings truly but for a while after which it will be
trashed. And if you focused only on your inner beauty (value) and you aren’t
attractive at sight, then your value may be dormant because there may be no
demand for it or probably with limitations because appearance is acceptance
The way you dress will you be addressed!
In the business world, when a merchant is going for a business trip with a
house help or a helper in any context, such merchant will cloth the helper in a
good and sometimes expensive cloth, so that the servant/helper can appear to
represent his/her level of influence, capacity, result and wealth in order to
maintain his or her integrity among colleagues and clients
The same thing with you and your outer
beauty, but to achieve this are certain areas and things to truly take
cognizance of will be unveiled and taught in this post (teaching) as far as
your facial attraction and beauty is concerned
1.The physical part of your body: Your face, your hair, your fingers,
your toes, your nose, your teeth, your ear, your lips and other part of your
body that are visible should be consciously taken care of unapologetically.
Don’t say it is carnal. Being godly and spiritual should not make you dirty and
look unkept, being born again, godly and spiritual doesn’t go against you
taking good care of your body and looking good. In fact, our God love beauty
and a well organized individual
Let it not be what you do on Sundays alone
or when you have a special occasion, look good always and all time. Make it
part of your life style to look good, I rob powder as a man to make my face
look nice out of many other reason for robbing it. To some people it may appear
to be carnality but it is not
Cut your finger and toe nails at the right
time, don’t wait for anyone to tell you, visit the saloon as at when due, you
don’t need millions to cut or make your hair, be modest and conservative
depending on your financial level, take care of your ear, your nose and every
part of your body. Use perfume if you are capable of getting one, use
deodorants, this is not living an extravagant or luxury kind of lifestyle but,
at your level, you should look good
2. The private area of your body: Take care of the private area of
your body, don’t say nobody knows and you are dirty inward. Don’t wear one
boxers or playing pant for 3 days as a guy, don’t use one pant for 2 days as a
lady, let your underwear’s be nice, clean and okay.
You may not have more than one or two, but
plan their use, wash it immediately it is dirty, it won’t take more
than 3-5 minutes to wash your underwear’s in the morning before your bath (even
in the bathroom), you are not doing it for anyone, but for yourself.
3. Communication skills: Improve in the general accepted
language of your country, it may not be your native language, but you can
improve on it. Get books, go online; search for materials that can tutor you on
good communication skills. Don’t limit yourself by saying it is not your native
language, it is part of making yourself more beautiful and adding value to your
4. Your dressing/make up: Your dressing is very important, the way
you dress tells 50% of who you are if not more; remember that first impression
last longer and in some cases, there may be no room or chance for second
impression. Learn colour combination, combine nice colours and clothing
materials, be modest in your make up, don’t make up and you are looking like
masquerade. I know I’m not at my best for now in the aspect of colour
combination, but I’m willing and pressing to improve. Learn also
know what fit you and not what you see or
like on others, it can look smart and nice on others, will it look the same on
you, do you have that kind of stature or body shape, study yourself, know your
taste and what fit you the most. Also learn to do appraisal of yourself to know
if what your choice and taste is are really good for the kind of person you are
and whom you are growing to become, don’t wear what contradict who you are or
what you represent, and this will start by knowing exactly who you are!!!
5. Work on your smile: I learnt this in 2010 when a young
lady approached me and says, each time you smile, you look so cute and
handsome, but that smile is really scarce on you face and all of the time you
frown, you look really terrible. Since that day, I started learning how to
soften my face and at least put a little smile and now, it is part of me. Smile
is very powerful; it sends a happy impulse or signal to your heart with the
hope that all is well, even when all seems to be otherwise. Learn to smile
always and you will see the power behind many happy individuals you know.
6. Body or mouth odor control: I wish I am a professional in this aspect;
it would have been my pleasure to tell you what to do and how to go about it. Having odor is not the end of your beauty/handsomeness. There is and will
always be solution.
If you have developed any kind of odor
over time due to whatever reason or probably that is how you were given birth
to due to certain errors which I may not know; don’t neglect it, odor is not
good to be frank, it get people pissed and irritated and they will always try
to avoid you, it cause discomfort for people to stay around you but it can be
controlled by using deodorants, perfumes and likes and also can be cured.
Meet professionals that can help out, you
can also go on youtube to learn how you can control your odors as you continue
to hope on God with work, diligence and prayers to take them away.
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You can also check the following posts and
be blessed:
(2 Sam 1:19)…….1
Gen. 29:17-16…….2
Gen. 29:17-16…….2
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