The cure for a hostile love, relationship and marriage

How possible can we build a lasting relationship and marriage, enveloped with love that never fails when all the aforementioned points are inevitable in our relationships and marriages?
Love language 1: Word of affirmation
ref; The five love languages by Gary Chapman
In the last post, I emphasized on the reasons why love fail and the purpose of it is that; it will serve as a background knowledge to the major aim of the series and I highlighted five reasons out of many others, showing us why love fails
You will hear people say:
The love had finished; I asked how?
I am highly disappointed; my question is why?
He/she suddenly changed; from what and to what?
He is not ready to comply with my change; what change?
His level of intelligence is low and it is hurting me; why and what have you done to help?
Someone came into his/her life and everything started falling apart; who, what for and what created the space for such person to enter?
Often time, we capitalize on what our partner did wrong and forgetting things we on our own side neglected to do and thereby hurting them and pushing them away from our lives. Love on its own is not meant to fail but it do fail because people are involved. But I bring a good new to you today that love, relationships and marriages can be well managed to the peak of success and fulfillment.
Love have different languages and each language has dialects. It will be so impossible for us to communicate efficiently, effectively and come to a level of agreement if we don’t understand our languages
I am in the northern part of the country currently and being my first time, language barrier had been so frustrating because I can only communicate with people who understood what I am saying; To buy goods is really challenging, transportation is another challenge because majority don’t understand my language (including the generally accepted language) and likewise I
The same thing with love and its languages, until you learn to understand the languages of love, you will never be able to communicate it effectively.
Haven’t you seen couples and one of them is complaining bitterly that with all my effort to make things work, he/she is not just getting it, could it be that you are speaking different love language which he/she did not understand? If this be the case, you will never get yourselves right
Ask yourself this question as I continue: Did I know the language that love speaks and if I do, have I being able to discover my personal love language and that of my partner
Note: Your personal love language is your primary language when it comes to love and most time, it is difficult and not very visible for both partners to have the same love language, which means’ you have to go out of your comfort zone to learn the secondary language also which is the language of your partner for effective communication of love
Love language one: Word of affirmation
Dr. Gary Chapman in the 5 love languages says a man named Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” If we take Twain literally, six compliments a year would have kept his emotional love tank (the desire to be loved) at the operational level. Which means for any lady to enjoy this man in question, she must learn his love language and communicate it well to him?
There is no one on earth that doesn’t enjoy compliments, it is an expression of praise, everyone wish to be celebrated and praised which is the highest psychological need of every human; dear you are amazing with your voice while singing on the stage today; I can’t just help staring at your picture all thought today because you are too beautiful for my eyes not to behold continually. Imagine what those words will do to your partner/spouse, but most people don’t even know how to express those words and their love story is fading off gradually. 
One way to express love emotionally is to use words that build up. Solomon, author of the ancient Hebrew Wisdom Literature, wrote, “The tongue has the power of life and death.”  Many couples have never learned the tremendous power of verbally affirming each other. Solomon further noted,
 “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”  Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love. They are best expressed in simple, straightforward statements of affirmation,
If you can study each language with their dialects as we proceed, then it will be possible and easy for you to detect your partner love language, speak the language fluently and thereby enhancing your love and relationship/marriage by acting accordingly
The dialects of the language: WORD OF AFFIRMATION:
1. Encouraging Words:
Giving verbal compliments is only one way to express words of affirmation to your partner/spouse, I don’t think there is a way to express word than speaking the words, some will say he/she should know I love him/her, how do you expect him/her to know when you are not saying it, how will I know if I’m looking good to you if you have never said it, I looked at the mirror before leaving the house and I got many compliment while coming, but that’s not a yardstick for me to judge what I may look like to you, so I expect you to say it
It is important that we speak those words to our partner and encourage them of things they are doing which we will like them to continue and never give up on. The word “encourage” means “to inspire courage.” All of us have areas in which we feel insecure. We lack courage, and that lack of courage often hinders us from accomplishing the positive things that we would like to do. The latent potential within your partner/spouse in his or her areas of insecurity may await your encouraging words.
Lots have die with many dreams unfulfilled and many will still die with unfulfilled dreams because there is no one to encourage them and no one should do it better to your partner than you, don’t deceive them but rather encourage them. Most people believed the words of their partners than any other person, don’t be too obsessed with your success and let this egocentric nature cause your partner to be a mediocre forever. Encourage them, say it and don’t stop saying it
2. Kind Words:
 Love is kind. If then we are to communicate love verbally, we must use kind words. That has to do with the way we speak. The same sentence can have two different meanings, depending on how you say it.
The statement “I love you,” when said with kindness and tenderness, can be a genuine expression of love. What about “I love you?” The question mark changes the whole meaning of those three words. Sometimes our words say one thing, but our tone of voice says another. We are sending double messages. Our spouse will usually interpret our message based on our tone of voice, not the words we use. This is why many love story has ended in tragedy.
“I would be delighted to wash dishes tonight,” said in a snarling tone will not be received as an expression of love. On the other hand, we can share hurt, pain, and even anger in a kind manner and that will be an expression of love. “I felt disappointed and hurt that you didn’t offer to help me this evening,” said in an honest, kind manner can be an expression of love.
The person speaking wants to be known by her spouse. She is taking steps to build intimacy by sharing her feelings. She is asking for an opportunity to discuss a hurt in order to find healing. The same words expressed with a loud, harsh voice will be not an expression of love but an expression of condemnation and judgment.
When I have been wronged by my partner/spouse and she has painfully confessed it and requested forgiveness, I have the option of justice or forgiveness. If I choose justice and seek to pay her back or make her pay for her wrongdoing, I am making myself the judge and she; the felon. Intimacy becomes impossible. If, however, I choose to forgive, intimacy can be restored. Forgiveness is the way of love.
I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday. They insist on bringing into today the failures of yesterday and in so doing, they pollute a potentially wonderful day. “I can’t believe you did it.
A friend called for my advise some couple of months ago, and while talking, I remembered a related and unfavorable decision she took times ago and I imported it to back my points up and immediately, her tone changed and she was like, its fine, it’s okay, immediately I realized what I’ve done and stopped on that point, let the past be in the past, you can’t change history, you can only influence the future. Let the past be in the past forever
We can choose to live today free from the failures of yesterday. Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a decision and a commitment. It is a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offense up against the offender. Forgiveness is an expression of love. “I love you. I care about you, and I choose to forgive you. Even though my feelings of hurt may linger, I will not allow what has happened to come between us. Remember our slogan here; LOVE IS A CHOICE
Love makes requests, not demands. When I demand things from my partner/spouse, I become a parent and she the child. It is the parent who tells the three-year-old what he ought to do and what he must do. That is necessary because the three-year-old does not yet know how to navigate in the treacherous waters of life.
In marriage, we are adults and we not parent to children, we know the place of wife submitting and husband loving, but that’s not a yardstick to turn ourselves to objects of mockery and slavery
I remembered years ago when I was bankruptcy of this light, I will tell my partner to get me water as if she is my maid; but when the light came and understanding was birthed, I realized that when I respect her and speak humbly to her, it will birth respect for me too and our love story will continue to show green light, it has nothing to do with gender equality. Respect is reciprocal
It is to be a request and not an authoritative word, request like; dear, can you please get me water from the fridge, she will humbly do that, it is wise and better than; bring water for me from the fridge, even when you put please, it is still not humble enough
I will like to dwell here because of our men, many of us can’t just be humble with speech and that’s why we are finding it difficult to enjoy our relationship and marriage and also part of the reason why our love story is failing on daily basis, love is beautiful, when you truly love and show it to your partner, she will respect you, respect is not by currency, can’t be bought or forced, it is earned.
A request introduces the element of choice. Your mate may choose to respond to your request or to deny it, because love is always a choice. That’s what makes it meaningful. To know that my partner/spouse loves me enough to respond to one of my requests communicates emotionally that she cares about me, respects me, admires me, and wants to do something to please me.
My spouse may in fact comply with my demands, but it may not an expression of love. It is may be an act of fear or guilt or some other emotion, but not love. Thus, a request creates the possibility for an expression of love, whereas a demand suffocates that possibility.
3. More Ways to Affirm:
If you are not a man or woman of words, please learn it as your secondary love language because it is very expedient for everyone, everyone want to be appreciated and loved. If it is not your primary love language, it may be the love language of your partner/spouse, let me suggest that you keep a notebook titled “Words of Affirmation.”
When you read an article or book on love, record the words of affirmation you find. When you hear a lecture on love or you overhear a friend saying something positive about another person, write it down. In time, you will collect quite a list of words to use in communicating love to your spouse.
You may also want to try giving indirect words of affirmation—that is, saying positive things about your spouse when he or she is not present. Eventually, someone will tell your partner/spouse, and you will get full credit for love.
Tell your partners/wife’s mother how great your partner/wife is. When her mother tells her what you said, it will be amplified, and you will get even more credit. Also affirm your spouse in front of others when he or she is present. When you are given public honor for an accomplishment, be sure to share the credit with your partner/spouse. You may also try your hand at writing words of affirmation. Written words have the benefit of being read over and over again.
Don’t fake it, be real with it and be truly real; all the above points are not to flatter anyone or to make a fool out of anyone but rather to genuinely make them feel loved and let this come from within you and not to trap them, deceive or use them.
One of my mentors and a father of faith shared with us in a meeting of recent when the wife celebrated her birthday and they were together that day to celebrate and he really gave time to the wife and she was very happy, but he made extra effort to celebrate the wife lavishly on social media without telling the wife and later that day, the wife saw it and became so excited and told the husband;
Thank you for celebrating me on your wall, I really appreciate it but it would have pained me if you did not do it, this is also a language that the wife understood for love, imagine that!!!... We spent the whole day together expressing my love to you and it would have pained you the most if I had not celebrated you on social media.
Learn your partner love language, it will really help your love to grow trust me.
Note: You don’t have to give word of affirmation back immediately your partner expresses his/hers to you, it will be as if you are fighting him or her back with it and it will not be appreciated and will bring about discouragement.
Have times you express yours, let him or her do theirs and also do yours sincerely and genuinely.
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