Marriage and finance

Finance is a very serious area which I've seen stagnated the marital destiny of many, ruined the relationship and marriage of many and caused many to marry the wrong person which is one of the major fear of most people who are yet to marry.


The truth is that money may never be enough because the higher your income, the higher your responsibility, and you will never become rich or financially buoyant if you are not intentional about it

The following may be needed as you proceed this reading

The subject of finance should be well discussed and planned before marriage, for married individuals, you can pick wisdom from this point too

Most people focus more on the wedding and failed to build a sustainable system of finance that will sustain the marriage after the wedding

Wedding is for a day and marriage is forever

You have to love your spouse and children so much to prepare and plan well for them financially before marriage. This doesn’t mean you must have all the millions in your account before you get married, but that you are good, well structured, well planned and achievable system of income flow and growth as each day unfold.

No matter how loving, godly, responsible, loyal and faithful you are, if this entity is missing in your marriage, you have to cry and beg God to open ways and also be very diligent and intentional about your finances, else, you are in for a shock

As a lady, you should be able to see it and if it's not glaring, it is not a crime that you ask

What system is he building for finances?

Also as a man, you should be able to know her level of stability financially too, she is called a help meet and not a liability

It's not a problem if this is not visible yet, but does he/she have a well nurtured and rich mind that can command the envisaged result

Ask questions, sit to arrange and not be naive about it

Without finance, your marriage is liable to fail. Love can sustain a relationship and marriage truly but it has limit, if the envisaged result is not seen on time, you may be shocked to see someone you’ve known to be so caring, understanding, loving and wonderful being influenced by lack and want to the point of changing their behavior,

Don't joke with it... Prepare

Many people are dancing to this tune today and they are frustrated already, don't join them. Be intentional about your finances

Let me recommend the following books about finance:
1. The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason
2. The school of money by Olumide Emmanuel
3. Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki
4. Rich dad’s cash flow quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki and many more


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