Ladies! Don't ever submit to this kind of man 😭

Thank you, gentlemen, for your teachings. However, I have a different question to pose. There are instances where certain men may not be deserving of our obedience, as their wives excel in managing their households more effectively. Some men exhibit lack of seriousness across various aspects. Do you suggest we still adhere to guidance from such individuals?

After witnessing the recent controversy surrounding this topic, I feel compelled to share my perspective.

Please, take heed:

I want to preface my contribution by clarifying that it's not my intention to undermine the notion of male superiority in marriage as outlined in scripture. However, I urge you to approach this discussion with humility and sensitivity, as a rigid mindset may hinder your ability to grasp the truth presented here.

Submission in marriage embodies selflessness, service, accountability, and mutual respect for one's partner. It should never be equated with servitude or the silencing of a woman's voice. At the core of Christian marriage lies the principle of love, which encompasses patience, kindness, humility, and a lack of self-interest or desire for control (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

It's crucial to acknowledge that love does not boast or exude pride. The dynamics of superiority and submission have long plagued marriages, even those within the Christian community.

As members of this Christian group, we adhere to the scriptures as our standard. While disagreements may arise due to diverse backgrounds and interpretations, the truth of scripture remains timeless when approached with spiritual discernment rather than personal biases.

Many individuals have erred in their choice of spouse, and some continue to do so. While wives are called to submit, this submission does not entail relinquishing their voice or becoming enslaved. Religious dogma sometimes blinds us to ungodly behavior, which we mistakenly attribute to divine will.

Allow me to illustrate with a troubling scenario: a man who has engaged in illicit relationships, including with minors, demands unquestioning obedience from his wife regarding their daughter's safety. Should we, in the name of submission, condone further harm, even to an innocent child?

The wife's refusal to comply might be misconstrued as disrespect or insubordination within our religious framework.

Consider Ephesians 5:22-23, which instructs wives to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord, likening the husband's role to that of Christ as head of the church. Note the emphasis on Christ's exemplary leadership.

Every husband, therefore, must mirror Christ's character, responsibility, leadership, and grace in their role as head of the household.

In summary:

Wives should submit to their husbands wholeheartedly, as mandated by God, while husbands must exemplify Christ-like leadership.
If a husband's irresponsibility jeopardizes the family's well-being, wives should seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit and enlist support from the church, family, or other resources.
In cases of abusive relationships, including physical violence, separation may be necessary for one's safety. Trust God to restore the home, but prioritize your well-being over societal expectations.
Relationships are complex, and it's essential to approach them with sensitivity and understanding.

Relationship Matters Network Int'l... Be Sensitised ❤️

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